Inspired by the love of her garden, Marissa Weatherhead’s ‘The Planter’s Daughter’ is a collection of work which was created over several years.
Marissa kindly spoke to us about her work and the process and inspiration behind it during the opening of her solo show. She incorporates plaster into her work, creating depth and texture, and looks into her garden for forms, shapes and colours to inspire her and focuses on the interaction of plants with each other.
Her garden had become overgrown and it took a lot of hard work to make it what it is today. During the warmer months, Marissa was able to take her work outside and create artwork in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of her paradisiacal garden which she worked so hard to make and maintain. Despite the enjoyment of the escape into the garden, Marissa also enjoys working inside and incorporated some of these elements into her still life inspired work, such as vases and tabletops, fashioning a spectacular indoor garden within her paintings.
In terms of starting her work, Marissa says she never really starts in the same way for each piece. They pieces have their own flow and process which carries on and flows into other paintings. She doesn’t start out with an end result in mind; it’s more about the point of making the piece and the process and interaction of making it. She also couldn’t say how long a painting would take on average to complete, everyone is different!
Marissa is very excited to be here with her solo show at Queen Street Gallery and Studio 40 and we are thrilled to have her work on display.
The show is on until August 31st so be sure to come and see it!